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  • Register as a Carer

    Register as a carer so that we can make sure you get information, services and the help that is available.

    Please note, our Carers Champion is Sharon Petch.

    Register as a carer

  • Carer Support in our area

    Find out about the healthcare professionals and services in our area.

    Find carer support in our area

  • Informal / unpaid carer health check

    Are you an informal (unpaid) carer?
    If so have you had your annual Health and Wellbeing Check? 

    If you haven’t been contacted yet, please book your appointment in the following ways:

    Directly with our Care Coordinators on 07999 021013


  • Carers Information Cafe

    A free, drop-in, event for anyone looking after someone close to them who is ill, disabled, elderly or misuses substances.

    Run by Carers in Hertfordshire and local GP surgeries.

    Enjoy a cuppa and find out services, information and advice to help you with your caring role.
    One to one support
    Book a carer health check

    Meets the second Wednesday of each month, 10:30am -12pm noon.

    At Laura Trott Leisure Centre, 33 Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 9AJ.

    Carers Information Cafe Cheshunt (PDF)